Yearly Archives - 2018

EP 014 The Power Of Storytelling

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them."

Have you heard about the phrase saying "FACTS TELL, STORY SELL"? Then you need to discover the power of storytelling... Well, that's what we are going to talk about in this episode! You will discover how to incorporate storytelling in whatever you do, whether you are making videos, recording a podcast, having conversation to someone or even speaking to public. You are here for a treat! So, if you want to easy sell whatever you are...


EP 013 The Main Reason Why You Are Not Breaking Through

I think we can all agree that most people are not willing to do the things outside of their comfort zone. This might be the reason why you are not breaking through! We all know this but how come people are not willing to sacrifice to be uncomfortable short term so that they can live the life they want long term? In this episode, you will discover how to breakthrough those beliefs and become comfortable doing the uncomfortable things. In this episode, I...


EP 012 How To Persuade People To Follow You With Just One Sentence

If you want to build your following in any social media platform but until now the growth has been so slow... Then, it's time for you to know this one sentence persuasion to dramatically grow a mass movement... Most people thought that growing a following no matter which platform it is, simply to put out as much content as you can. Other people also thought that if you pump content daily, the people will start following you. But what most people don't understand is...


EP 011 How To Become An Expert Without Having A Diploma From School

“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.” – Niels Bohr.

What's the common denominator between successful people? It's not the wealth, its not the money or being lucky in life, born with silver platter but most of them were school drop-out! Want to know why? That's what you will discover in this episode... I can't wait for you to discover it! I'll see you inside! If you find this valuable, don't forget to share it in


EP 010 How to Sell The Same Product But in a Much Higher Price

"Sell same product in a much higher price"

Want to know the trick how to sell the same product but with a much higher price? Well, with all the requests I've been getting, I will reveal it in this episode. So if you are struggling to sell your product or services because of competition, not anymore soon after you finish listening to this episode. So grab some popcorn and I' will see you in the podcast room! Don't forget to share this on Facebook,...


EP 009 Expert Secret Business

"Expert Secrets"

Want to discover how to get people pay you for your advice? Keep reading... 8 years ago, I didn't expect that someone will pay me for sharing what I know to other people. I didn't even ask for it, they insisted to give me money in exchanged of what I gave. Before you continue reading, I want you to understand that I didn't have any diploma or degree to teach other people what I know. I was just sharing this one thing...


EP 008 How To Become Successful In Photography 5 Tips

"Become Successful In Photography Fast"

In this episode, you will discover how to become successful in photography fast. Whatever your goal is in life, the concept is always the same to achieve whatever you want. First, you need to know exactly what you really want then acknowledge where you are currently at. Second, be precise of what you want to accomplish and or who you wanna become. I don't want you to be confused in this because some people thought that they need to impersonate...


EP 007 Everything is a Distraction Until You Have This

"Everything is a distraction until you have a sales funnel in place"

If you are thinking of creating content whether on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube, then let me tell you straight...

You will just waste your time!

Here's why... If you are just starting out or some Youtube videos you've watch told you to start vlogging on Youtube and document your life then you will have freedom because company will start contacting you and want to work with you. That's how...


EP 006 How To Trigger Creativity on a Deadline

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

I have discovered the best ideas come to me at the most random times: in the shower, brushing my teeth, walking in the woods and in the middle of the night. Experts talk about the benefits of productive procrastination, which is a fancy way to say that when you are working on a big project, your mind needs time to wander. The question is always why most of...


EP 005 5 Ways to Turn Your Curiosity to Extra-ordinary

"Curiosity is the spark behind the spark of every great idea. The future belongs to the curious." —Author Unknown

The old saying that curiosity killed the cat might be true for cats, but for the rest of us, being curious, asking questions and never settling for the status quo is part of doing something great in this world. Take a minute to study the people we admire most—people who changed things for the better—and what you’ll find at their core is an...