Why Most Startup Businesses Fail To Succeed
Most people has been brainwash since early life. Traditional media has been responsible why majority of people will be poor forever. We have been conditioned to be a good employee, a good servant and a good follower. I am not saying this is bad at all but just think about it. Will this unlock your true potential? Will you get a chance to become a leader and changed thousands of lives instead of one or two? I used to be a registered nurse, and I love...
If you own or run a business, marketing your products or services online through video is critical. Whether you hire someone to be the face of your business or you are the face of your business. Either way, you need someone that is comfortable in talking to the camera. However, most people felt intimidated or feels awkward on the camera. Whichever your case is, you know that it is not good when the camera starts rolling and you just freeze to death! You've memorized your...
It is sad to see that most people want something in life but dont take action on it. You seek information for you to learn what to do next. However, you still dont take action. You have all the knowledge, the plan, the strategy but still dreaming. Sometimes other people dont take any action because they seek inspiration and motivation. The problem with that is it eats up you slowly. You are stuck because there is not enough motivation or another inspiration content you need to...
Can you still remember what was the reason why are you doing what you're doing right now? Or can you still remember why did you start something maybe a couple of years ago or a couple of months ago and then you are stuck where you are right now? Here's why most start-ups fail. Probably one of the reason was you were inspired by other people who are doing the things that you want to have. Someone who is living the lifestyle...