3 Reason(s) Why I Quit Podcasting and Social Media

3 Reason(s) Why I Quit Podcasting and Social Media

Everything happens for a reason, the hard part is finding out what that reason is and doing something about it.

Somewhere around 2020, I suddenly disappeared. I was out of the radar on all of my social media accounts. I stopped posting, and this is one of the main reasons why I lost a lot of followers and passion slowly fades away.

There are 3 main reasons why this happened.

Reason #1: Professional Career

January of 2020, I finished nursing school and got hired right after completing the program. In the nursing field, you can start working as a nurse even before you passed the board examination. So I started to work as a Provisional Registered Nurse. This is the time where the pandemic was starting to pick up.

I got the job easily without a panel interview.

I was working full-time for 1 year while studying and preparing for my exam.

Unfortunately, I failed my exam not just once, but twice.

I blamed myself for not giving my all and didn’t take the exam seriously.

I need to stop working just because my Provisional license has expired and no longer eligible to work since I failed my exam twice.

There is no one who can do this except me.

It was a challenge to discipline myself. Until I made a decision to focus on this exam.

Guess what, I passed on my third try!

This leads me to the second reason which is…

Reason #2: Being Unfocus

I did not know what I really want. I juggled between business to another business to another hobby after the other.

I was creating videos, taking photos, running meetings, and starting another business.

If there is one thing I learned, that is to identify what you really want that gets you closer to your ultimate goal.

Where our focus goes, energy follows. This is what we all need.

Last but not least is…

Reason #3: Overwhelmed

Juggling different things at the same time is the worst thing you could do.

I thought I was super productive, but instead, it just slowed me down.

I was overwhelmed with all the things I was doing.

Because of this, my interest and passion just slowly fade away. It was not fun anymore. It became more of a job than a passion.


To make the story short, listen to the podcast to discover my 3 biggest takeaways.

I believed that this will help you if you are in a situation where it feels like nothing is working even though you gave your all already.


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