EP 002 4 Powerful Question to Refocus Your Goal

When you die, what do you think will people remember about you?


In this episode, I will share with you these powerful questions to refocus your goal.


Let me tell you a little bit of my story


Before migrating from Philippines to Canada, I was in the path of being a registered nurse. I was brought up in a traditional Asian upbringing and was following what my parents and grandparents wants me to do.


I was always told that for me to reach my dream, which was at that time to travel where ever I want, I need to have a good high paying job.


The only way to have that, is to have a top of the line profession.


and hey! It’s not what you think it is. Becoming a doctor or even a lawyer is not what my brain cells can handle. lol


At that time, Nursing was the one very popular and most of my high school bath mate went for nursing. It’s not just that, my mother want’s me to prepare for my future and thus she will work hard not just me to finish university, but also my other two brothers.


Along the way, I then realize that I was in a path where I don’t want to be. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a Nurse, I am happy being one, but I am just not passionate compared to music and arts where I can be creative and let my imagination wander.


After that realization, I just told myself that nursing is not for me and it’s time for me to grow up and follow what my hearts really desires.


What happened next shocked everyone and to give you a little hint, IT’S BRUTAL…


Listen to the podcast to hear what happened next and where I ended up.


Anyways, if this brings value to you, don’t hesitate to share this with someone you love.


Other than that, happy listening and I will see you on the next one!


Ciao for now…

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