Author - Miles Lacoste

How Platform Closing By Peng Joon Has Helped Me Tell Great Stories


  Here's what I learned from Peng Joon... Making videos is not just making tutorials or making how to videos. But what is really the secret recipe of making great videos? Have you ever wondered why there are videos that really inspired you even how bad the quality is? On the other hand, there are also videos that was produced in high quality but when you watch it, its so boring and can't even watch up...


I don’t have time to do it

If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? ~ Albert Einstein

"That's my dream but I don't have time to do that" is the most common phrase we commonly hear from other people. Time, Time Time! Do we actually don't have time to do things to achieve our dreams? or it is just an excuse  because we just scared to fail? or maybe you really don't have time to do it. Breaking News!!! When we...


Why I Don’t Watch TV Anymore

I don't watch tv... “All [tv] shows are like cigarettes. You watch two, you have a higher chance of watching three. They’re all addictive.” - Dan Harmon

Communication is one of the most powerful tool that a human being can have. It is a skill that only few people mastered. So the more you consume other peoples content or worst, the traditional media, the more you get influence by the information you hear.

Don't get me wrong, it's not bad at all.

But the...


What Is Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals?

"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken towards achievement" - Bo Benett

All of us has numerous dreams in life. Other dreams might sound complicated while other dreams are just plain and simple. It could be to have a happy family, to be famous artist or to be successful in whatever career we chose. However, not all are lucky enough to achieve their goals. What do u really think are the hindrances from achieving our ultimate goals in life? Fear of failure...


2 Quick Tips On How To Speak Directly To Your Audience

So now you're in for this challenge but you're asking yourself like how can you make a video that speak directly to your audience? This is a little bit different and I just get this message asking me like how can they shoot the video that speaks directly to their audience. Now, there are two quick tips that I can share with you in this topic and this is basically very easy and you might probably hear this from the past. But if...


First Time Parents Experiences

Being first time parents is the most incredible and amazing experience in your entire life.

Being first time parents is an emotional experience for every parents yet it is very rewarding. When the day arrives that the first time parents bring their baby home, the excitement is surreal. For sure, it is very exciting but there are numerous challenges that first time parents usually faces such as sleepless nights, figuring out reasons why baby is crying, ways to bath the baby and ways...


Their Problems Is Your Opportunity

Every Problem is an Opportunity in Disguise

Problems may sound frustrating but what if you could turn problems around you into something bigger. Something you could never imagine that it could be a great opportunity for your personal growth. Not all of the people are lucky enough to discover their own potentials and talent. They never realized that they could be a blessings to others and it is opportunity for you to help other people's problem. Their major problem could be your greatest strength which...


Setting Goal in 2019 Without Being Overwhelmed?

"Setting goal properly is halfway reached.” —Zig Ziglar

It's a brand-new year again and most people have already set their goal or new years resolution. You probably have set your new years resolution for this year too, right? You can list down your goal for this year in the comment box down below if you have one. How about your goal last year, have you achieve it? If not, what was the reason why you didn't? This is where most people get stuck every time they...


Pay The Price Or Be Average

“All I knew is that I never wanted to be average.” ~ Michael Jordan

Are you thinking the same thought as Michael Jordan? Or... Your already settled to be average? Almost all people want success in life, want something in life and sometimes wants to be the best version of themselves. It could be freedom from being financially free, have a healthy and abundant family relationship or be successful in business. All of the stuff that was mention was once everybody wants to achieve. But why...


I Was Scammed

The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it. - Bobby Heenan

Tired of working double job everyday just to pay your monthly bills? Are you one of the few people who was tempted and desperate to look for a passive income on online and end up being scammed in the process? Well, let me tell tell you that I’m one of the few person who were once fell into this trap called “too good to be true” shortcut strategies to...