How Brendon Burchard’s Concept Help Me

How Brendon Burchard’s Concept Help Me

“Once you have an innovation culture, even those who are not scientists or engineers – poets, actors, journalists – they, as communities, embrace the meaning of what it is to be scientifically literate. They embrace the concept of an innovation culture. They vote in ways that promote it. They don’t fight science and they don’t fight technology.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

More often than not, we are always afraid of trying out things that are new to us. But some lessons and concept from Brendon Burchard have helped me to get through it.

One of the most difficult things to do is to face your fears or doubts. We tend to get scared of what the outcome can be.

But sometimes, we need to brave everything else to succeed. We need to know that doing it will be your ultimate victory despite your fears.

Learn how to say no to things that are out of your scope. Don’t be too generous.

Always set your limitations so that your time won’t be compromised, especially when you have other important matters to do.

When you have an idea, try to execute it immediately and do not delay. Act on it right away because the more you prolong it, the more you will get confused.

It happens when you have too many ideas and learnings without implementation.

So, I can’t wait for you to hop on and watch the full episode.

That’s what we are going to talk about in this video experience.

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