How To Not Lose Interest In What You Love

How To Not Lose Interest In What You Love

The more you try to be happy, the more you become miserable. So, what would you do to never lose interest in what you love?

A few years ago, I was so depressed as I went through tough times and I tried to find a way that I can get past the terrible situation. It was dragging me down, my confidence was very low, and my self-esteem was so bad. I can’t even face anyone because I felt so bad and it was crashing me.

Don’t push yourself too hard to be happy

It was at that time when everything seemed went against the flow. That was the time that I tried myself to be happy and that I needed to do something. But the more I tried to do it, the more I became miserable.

I don’t know on your end, but I know that you have been in a situation where you have tried a lot of things because you feel unfulfilled. Still, you are not satisfied. You feel like your career or business is going down. These things happen a lot of times because challenges are part of life.

One of the things that you can do is to you keep trying without a plan, caring less about the second or your next steps. Focus on the first step and that’s where you will get rewarded. When you start doing the things that really matter, you will be satisfied.

Make a plan

This is why it is important for you to have a plan or strategy on what are the things that you can do and need to do. This will allow you to compose yourself and never to lose interest in what you love to do. With these, you will succeed and overcome whatever the situation you are in right now may it be about your business or your relationship with your family.

These are very common as human beings and normal. This is because we humans are hard-wired into instant gratification. One great example is when you post something on Facebook and you don’t get likes, you feel like it’s embarrassing. Then you will end up deleting it.

What you don’t realize is what we are hard-wired or we are accustomed to getting instant gratification. So, when it comes to doing things and being productive, having a plan is very important.

Make sure though that your plan is slowly or incrementally going harder. Other people would say to knock down the hard tasks and go for the easy ones next. It’s fine if it works for them.

However, what works for me is that I knock down the easiest tasks that I can do. This will allow me to get the instant gratification that I am progressing and I am winning in this game.

Think about your own workflow and work ethics. What works for you best? Is it doing the hard things first or the easy things first for you to get motivated and not lose interest in those things that you love?

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