New Year, New Goals; How to Set Goals For Success

New Year, New Goals; How to Set Goals For Success

Setting goals is one of the most search keywords after new year. This is where most people are fired up to start the year.

No matter what you do, you need to set goals for yourself. This is where you find your purpose.

The big question is, but why do we need to set goals and why it is important?

As Tony Robbins says,

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

In this quick post, I would like to share with you how I set my goals and the steps and thought process behind it.

1. Set goals for yourself. This is where most people stop.

The biggest mistake is people just wanted to leave it in their brain instead of writing it down where they can see it. Writing it down will make you see the big picture, removing mental fatigue trying to remember it always.

Write down everything you want to achieve this year from losing weight to eating healthy to become successful and have a thriving business.

2. Setting goals with your partner.

Ask and explore what your partner wants to accomplish this year.

The fastest way to achieve your goal is not just being selfish and always being you, but rather, asking your partner/spouse what he/she also likes to achieve. Like personal goals.

The more you can empower your partner, the more your partner will support you in whatever you wanted. Like working out with schedules, doing certain things on your behalf and etc.

Setting goals together as a couple- what do you both want to achieve this year?

Buying your first house
Finishing up your professional career
Paying off your debt and etc.

3. How to write goals and set them up for success?

Out of all, you have written, only pick 3 main goals that you want to achieve and scratch the rest of them.

For each goal, write the exact steps to how you will achieve it.

Evaluate quarterly what milestone in your goal you should be.

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