How The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck By Mark Manson Has Helped Me

How The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck By Mark Manson Has Helped Me


This book right here that I’m holding now, it’s color orange, which is like pretty nice to my eyes. But the main reason for this video is to share with you what I learned. This book, the subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson helped me.

So, if you’re interested and if you are confused with yourself, then this book is really good. And I’ll share with you what are the things that I learned from this and how it helped me big time.

But before I share with you my thoughts and what I learned from this book, let me tell you a story.

When I was still in the university studying nursing, there was a time that we were sent to a completely remote area. Cellphones were not allowed.


All gadgets were not allowed. All stuff that is connecting you from yourself to the world is not allowed. Now I was kind of confused at that time, but I didn’t realize how that time really impacted the rest of my life.

We stayed in a remote location, which is like there was an old house. I, and my classmates and all the group in that class were in.

There, I was just confused at that time but just the past you know that subject just to pass the grades.

I just did it after that it was like three days straight workshop or I guess three to seven days where I kind of forget.

But what happened after that is that we were sent to a mental hospital. Then when we came to the mental hospital which was really crazy and those people can really manipulate you.


What you’re thinking and you know can make you do things that they want you to do that’s why I kind of like realize how important those workshops that we had and that is all about self-awareness and then just fast forward to today and then.

I came across this book with just the subtle art of not giving a fuck.

If you know yourself you know your strength you know your weaknesses or even if you don’t know yet just try to find some time to really know your stuff admit who you are.

Admit where you are right now I’d meet the problems that you’re facing right now and think about the things that you can do in order for you to solve those problems.

Because self-awareness is probably one of the best things that you can have so that you will have unfair advantage of other people no matter what you are trying to do whether it could be business could be an art photography filmmaking or you know it could be a relationship if you know exactly yourself you don’t give up.

Don’t mind how people think about you.

What other people’s think about you so if you are trying to should video some public then you know yourself that this is what you want and you don’t care what other people think about you.

So that is one of the main reason like I like this book I haven’t read everything yet I am still like a quarter of the whole pages but this book is just helped me a lot when it comes to self-awareness

Just think about it I cannot pour another tea in your cup if your cup is full so when you are trying and this is also helpful when you are trying to find a mentor.

When you are trying or you want to learn a new skill in yourself just try to be like drain everything just forgets about everything that you know.

Absorb it.

Try to absorb the new things that you are learning right now because when you do that and when you separate the things that you already know and you try to absorb the new information that will add another knowledge in your life.

That will have an unfair advantage in yourself so try to think about it so if you are in the course right now if you are in any programs that you’re in right now and that is really what you want to do.

Then try to empty your cup so that those mentors that you have can fill your cup and make it full so that you will have a new skill a brand new skill that you can apply to whatever you want to do.

So I hope you learn something from this and the last thing that I want to tell you is if you don’t know yourself yet you know just admit it just try to talk to yourself have a meet time for yourself.

Try to talk about yourself try to face the mirror and try to talk yourself who are you what is your weaknesses what are your strengths and what is that that you really want to have in life.

Or what is it that you really want to do in your life that you know can make you happy that can you know to give you happiness for the rest of your life so I hope you learned something today and as always.

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I’ll see you on the next one.

Ciao for now!

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