Pay The Price Or Be Average

Pay The Price Or Be Average

“All I knew is that I never wanted to be average.” ~ Michael Jordan

Are you thinking the same thought as Michael Jordan?

Or… Your already settled to be average?

Almost all people want success in life, want something in life and sometimes wants to be the best version of themselves.

It could be freedom from being financially free, have a healthy and abundant family relationship or be successful in business.

All of the stuff that was mention was once everybody wants to achieve.

But why only 1% of the population achieved it or have done it?

Is the world unfair?

We all want that, and we get frustrated because we are not achieving it!

People wants extraordinary life, but most people are doing ordinary things.

There’s nothing to reap if you didn’t sow in the first place.

They didn’t planted the seed because people doesn’t want to do the work.

The hard work that you put in without seeing any instant result is hard nowadays.

And this is the price to be paid.

If you are not willing to pay the price, then don’t be surprised why you are living in a normal average life.

Be Average

If you are not willing to pay the price.

Be Average

If you are not willing to do the hard work for 6 years without seeing any results.

Be Average

If you are uncomfortable of being different.

Be average

If you want to be normal and afraid to be notice.

Be average

If you are afraid that someone will criticize you.

Look, my point here is simple…

Just listen to the audio so you’ll get it.

In this episode, I will share with you that can help you tremendously if you follow and understand the idea behind it.

So if you liked this episode, make sure to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Make sure to checkout the recommended resources.


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