Setting Goal in 2019 Without Being Overwhelmed?

Setting Goal in 2019 Without Being Overwhelmed?

“Setting goal properly is halfway reached.” —Zig Ziglar

It’s a brand-new year again and most people have already set their goal or new years resolution.

You probably have set your new years resolution for this year too, right?

You can list down your goal for this year in the comment box down below if you have one.

How about your goal last year, have you achieve it?

If not, what was the reason why you didn’t?

This is where most people get stuck every time they set their new goal.

Here’s how I set mine.

I will have my main goal for that year set, then the reason why I need this goal to achieve.

That could be a yearly goal or quarterly goal.

Then I grab my monthly calendar a start to block some days.

That huge goal will be break it down into a daily task then reserved a time depending the complexity of the task.

For example:

Let say my main goal is to build a strong branding this year.

I will then brainstorm, what are the things needs to be done and in place to make this happen?

As the online world is getting bigger and videos is the holy grail of the year 2020, there is no doubt that I need to start making videos.

So I ask myself, “how many video content I want to produce?”.

In this case i want to publish 365 videos this year.

Then I break it down to how many videos I need to shoot for a month?

Then I will decide if I will shoot videos daily, or I if I will batch it.

Lastly, list down all the topic that needs to be covered.

And the rest of the details will be in the video!

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