2 Quick Tips On How To Speak Directly To Your Audience

2 Quick Tips On How To Speak Directly To Your Audience

So now you’re in for this challenge but you’re asking yourself like how can you make a video that speak directly to your audience?

This is a little bit different and I just get this message asking me like how can they shoot the video that speaks directly to their audience.

Now, there are two quick tips that I can share with you in this topic and this is basically very easy and you might probably hear this from the past.

But if you’re gonna do this as I’m you know sharing this with you as I’m revealing this deal then it might probably change the way how you shoot your videos.

And the way how you will communicate with the audience that you want to reach.

Tip number one

Identify who are the audience that you want to reach.

Who are the audience that you want help with.

Who are the audience that you want to talk about and have a conversation with.

So just say for example game make an avatar just try to identify if you want to talk to people who are passionate about something…

Is this a man or is this a woman okay if this is both.

Then try to break it down to the next level which you can narrow it down.

Let’s say what are the things that they’re passionate about what are the age ranges that they that the people that you want to talk to.

Let’s say for example I wanna talk to people who are passionate about making videos from ages 21 to 25

Make it as specific as you can and then the list will go on and on.

How much experience they have are they beginners, intermediate, advanced or professionals.

Who are these people that you want to talk to and who are these people that you want to help with the message or knowledge that you want to share.

Tip number two

Is probably you want the most powerful strategy that I use when I make my videos as well as for my private clients videos.

When I’m editing and when I’m writing scripts to my clients.

So it’s not making videos for the sake of making videos.

So let me explain…

So the way you make your videos it’s not just teaching your audience how to’s

Think about it, what are the things that these people that you want to help with.

What are the common objections that they have?

So just say for example, they want to shoot the videos.

Well of course you might be thinking like oh I’m gonna teach them how to shoot the videos.

How not to be shy on camera.

But you should be thinking what are the objections that going through their minds that is stopping them from making videos.

Once you identify those objections, that’s the time you break it down and list down all the objections or the questions they have that makes me stopping them from doing videos.

I’m gonna throw an example so that you can like think about it.

Just say for example I want to help people who want to build their brand and produce content in social media consistently.

I’m gonna think about what are the objections that they have.

So objection number one is that if they look good look on the camera.

Question number two would be…

What are the things that I should wear?

What topic should I cover?

Question number three could be what are the equipment’s that I need to use in order for me to shoot the videos?

Question number four could be, do I need a good audio?

So those are some examples and common objections that my audience is having right now.

So if I can answer and talk about those objections in the video that will be the most powerful thing that they will have and they will get while watching my videos

So think about in your videos what are the common objections that your prospect or what are the common objections that your audience has?

So it will be easy for you to help them so that it will be easy for you to pour out some content, gather some ideas and then talk about and shoot that in the video form content.

So that’s probably the two quick tips.

I’m not sure if this is still quick but we’ve gone a little bit overtime but hopefully you get it and I’ll see you in the next one…

Ciao for now!

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