Why 96% of Start-ups Fail On The First Five Years?

Why 96% of Start-ups Fail On The First Five Years?

Can you still remember what was the reason why are you doing what you’re doing right now? Or can you still remember why did you start something maybe a couple of years ago or a couple of months ago and then you are stuck where you are right now? Here’s why most start-ups fail.

Probably one of the reason was you were inspired by other people who are doing the things that you want to have.

Someone who is living the lifestyle that you want or having to become an expert on something or there was a moment in your life or you just had an “AHA” moment.

That kind of stuff

Can you still remember what happened next?

Did you succeeded or it just simply bombed right away?

Now, what was the reason why it fails?

What what was the reason why it bombed?

So probably because you were so obsessed with that destination that you want to go and you kind of forget the process in between.

The journey in between to get from point A to point B.

Now can you still remember when was the last time you loved to have pain?

Can you still remember when was the last time you said like I really love to be frustrated, I really love to be disappointed?

Can you still remember those times?

If you’re in a point where you want to reach point B, are you willing to become friends with frustration, disappointments, failures and the shame?

Are you willing to become friends with them so that you can go one step closer to the destination that you want to be in?

Ninety-six percent of people will say I’m done, I don’t like it, it’s just not my thing but on the other hand…

There is always Four percent that will say, okay let’s do it, okay I’m ready! Let’s crash them, let’s beat them up!

So the question is, are you in the 4% or are you in the 96% that start-ups fail?

Probably some of you will say maybe in 96%. I’ll just take the next opportunity that I will come across.

So if you acknowledge those stuff you will become ready to face all the obstacles, you will become ready to face all those objections, all those failures, all the disappointments, frustration, and shame.

So if you really want to reach the destination which is point B, are you willing to face all those stuff?

Are you willing to start small?

Whatever you do right now are you willing to step down?

Talk to yourself and say, “this is what I want which is point B, how can I get there?

What are the things that I can do in order for me to go one step closer to that destination?

What are those things that I can do every single day that I can measure so that I know that I’m improving every single day as I am getting closer to that destination?

And what should I do in order to avoid the start-ups fail bandwagon?

Most people are seeing other people succeed, they are seeing these people have the lifestyle that they want which in the first place they can visualize it already for themselves to be in that position but what happened?

Did they just quit right off the bat when they saw these failures?

When did they see these obstacles?

They just said like, “I’m done! I’m just gonna go back to where I was!”

So are you willing to take all the painful stuff?

I also want you to remember that shortcut does exist but…

Those shortcuts are only for people who are already gone through the entire process.

Who’s already been on that journey?

Who has been in that process?

They already have reached a point B, so when they’re starting the next thing or the next opportunity that they want to start the next product the next project they already know what are the things what it takes for them to go from point A to point B.

That’s why when they start another thing they’re just gonna say, “okay I’m just gonna take the plane instead of taking the bus, or instead of taking the car. And this is where start-ups fail.

I’ll pay whatever it takes for me to get from point A to point B.

Because in this time they already valued their time instead of wasting eight hours of a road trip they are just willing to pay what it takes so that they can get from point A to point B in the fastest as they can.

But if you’re just starting out

You are not concerned about your time here, you are more concerned about learning the process, learning all the journey, learning how to overcome failures, learning how to become resourceful.

So that you can go through that objection, you can go through that failure, you can go through the disappointments.

So think about it, if you’re just still starting out, be willing to take the long process.

If you already have success and you want to start something then try to think about what are the things that can save you time?

Are you willing to pay the price so that other people can do it for you so that you can save more time?

So instead of doing the things that you’re expert in, what if there is someone that can take care of that?

What if there is someone that can take care of it?

Just say for example just shooting a video…

What if you can get professionals to shoot a video for you?

So the only thing you gotta do is just talk to the camera?

Once you’re done talking to the camera, those videos will just show up on social media and everywhere.

Always remember this, don’t be obsessed on the
destination but fall in love by the process, fall in love with the journey that you’re gonna take on. Because if you don’t, and just like many others, you will experience how start-ups fail.

So that when you get there everything will be worth it and now when you reach the destination which is the point B and you want to start another thing now you have the position to say I will go shortcut.

Instead of taking the long way I just take the shortcut.

So I hope you learned something and if you do, always remember sharing is caring to like is loving and
commenting thing is something.

So don’t forget to do that and I’ll see you in the next one.

Ciao for now!

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